Mgr. Jiří Malý, Ph.D.

    Research Scientist

ResearcherID: K-7554-2014

ORCID: 0000-0002-3431-8741

    Fields of Specialty
  • Human and regional geography
  • Spatial organisation of society, urban systems, functional regions, accessibility
  • Territorial development, spatial disparities
  • Metropolitan areas, mobility, urban planning


    2017 Ph.D. in Regional Geography and Regional Planning, Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science

    2012 Mgr. (MA) in Social geography, Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science

    2009 Bc. (BA) in Human geography, Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science

Professional career

    Since 2014 Institute of Geonics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Environmental Geography, Brno (research scientist)

    Since 2016 Brno City Chief Architect’s Office (Analyses and GIS team leader)

    2017—2019 Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography (researcher)

Selected research projects

Selected publications (since 2015)

Papers in peer-reviewed journals (ISI/WOS)

  • Malý, J., Lichter, M., Krejčí, T. (2024): The elusive role of urban form, centrality and scale in the absence of a metropolitan planning agenda: Central European perspective. Growth and change, 55(1), e12699. Doi: 10.1111/grow.12699 (IF 2023 = 2.9; Q3 in 2023 according QAIS)
  • Malý, J. , Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Klusáček, P. (2023): Rebuilding a community ‘centre’ under free-market pressure: the post-socialist experience with local brownfield management. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11(7), 1344-1364. Doi: 10.1080/21622671.2021.1916580 (IF 2022 = 2.6)
  • Lichter, M., Malý, J. (2023): Compact and polycentric urban forms as intertwined concepts: Learning from the impacts of Covid–19 retail restrictions on spatial (in)equalities in Brno (Czech Republic). Moravian Geographical Reports, 31(3): 129-140. Doi: 10.2478/mgr-2023-0012 (IF 2022 = 2.5)
  • Osman, R., Klusáček, P., Malý, J., Alexandrescu, F. M. (2023): Rhythmanalysis and reproduction of space in a brownfield regeneration process: the case of Ústí nad Orlicí, Czech Republic. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 64(6): 705-731. Doi: 10.1080/15387216.2022.2057348 (IF 2022 = 3.8)
  • Malý, J., Krejčí, T. (2022): Polycentricity of daily urban systems: A misconceived concept and buzzword in ‘metropolitan’ planning practice. European Urban and Regional Studies, 29(4), 515–532. Doi: 10.1177/09697764221103022 (IF 2022 = 3.1)
  • Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Klusáček, P., Malý, J. (2020): Taming the genius loci? Contesting post-socialist creative industries in the case of Brno's former prison. Cities, 98: 102578. Doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.102578 (IF 2019 = 4.802)
  • Malý, J., Dvořák, P., Šuška, P. (2020): Multiple transformations of post-socialist cities: Multiple outcomes? Cities, 107: 102901. Doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102901 (IF 2019 = 4.802)
  • Osman, R., Šerý, O., Alexandrescu, F., Malý, J., Mulíček, O. (2020): The establishment of inter-municipal cooperation: the case of a polycentric post-socialist region. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 120(1): 2-18. Doi: 10.1080/00167223.2019.1693903 (IF 2019 = 1.577)
  • Mulíček, O., Malý, J. (2019): Moving towards more cohesive and polycentric spatial patterns? Evidence from the Czech Republic. Papers in Regional Science, 98(2): 1177–1194. Doi: 10.1111/pirs.12383 (IF 2019 = 2.220)
  • Klusáček, P., Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Malý, J., Kunc, J., Dvořák, P., Frantál, B., Havlíček, M., Krejčí, T., Martinát, S., Skokanová, H., Trojan, J. (2018): Good governance as a strategic choice in brownfield regeneration: Regional dynamics from the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 73: 29–39. Doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.01.007 (IF 2018 = 3.573)
  • Malý, J. (2018): Questioning territorial cohesion: (Un)equal access to services of general interest. Papers in Regional Science, 97(2): 323-343. Doi: 10.1111/pirs.12250 (IF 2018 = 2.020)
  • Frantál, B., Malý, J. (2017): Close or renew? Factors affecting local community support for rebuilding nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. Energy Policy, 104: 134-143. Doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.01.048 (IF 2017 = 4.039)
  • Malý, J. (2016): Impact of Polycentric Urban Systems on Intraregional Disparities: A Micro-regional Approach. European Planning Studies, 24(1): 116-138. Doi: 10.1080/09654313.2015.1054792 (IF 2016 = 1.332)
  • Frantál, B., Malý, J., Ouředníček, M., Nemeškal, J. (2016): Distance matters. Assessing socioeconomic impacts of the Dukovany nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic: Local perceptions and statistical evidence. Moravian Geographical Reports, 24(1): 2-13. (IF 2016 = 2.149)

Books and chapters in books

  • Malý, J. (2019). Polycentric Urban Systems and Territorial Cohesion. In E. Medeiros (Eds.), Territorial Cohesion: The Urban Dimension (pp. 69–89). Springer International Publishing. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-03386-6_4

Memberships, Honourable Positions and other activities

  • Member of the Programme Board of Geography, Masaryk University in Brno
  • Peer-reviewer for leading WOS journals, e.g., Landscape and Urban Planning, European Planning Studies