Mgr. Petr Klusáček, Ph.D.

    Senior Research Scientist, Head of the Department

ResearcherID: G-3508-2014

ORCID: 0000-0001-9391-1126

Google Scholar

    Fields of Specialty
  • Regional development and regional policy
  • Settlement and urban geography
  • Brownfields regeneration


    2008 Ph.D. in Regional Geography and Regional Development, Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science

    1997 Mgr. (MA) in Geography and History, Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts

Professional career

    Since 2002 Institute of Geonics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Environmental Geography, Brno (senior research scientist; head of the Department since 2017)

    Since 2010 Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies (lecturer: courses Theory of Regional Development and Geography of Central Europe)

Selected research projects

    2019—2021 Between de-agrization and perforated development of rural space: the search for development patterns of post-communist agricultural properties (Czech Science Foundation, 19-23870S), member of research team,

    2017—2019 Geography of recycling urban space (Czech Science Foundation, 17-26934S), investigator,

    2014—2018 Integrated Spatial Planning, Land Use and Soil Management Research Action (INSPIRATION) (Horizon 2020, 681256), coordination of research activities for the Czech Republic,

    2016—2017 Military training areas as a transformation territory - scenarios of impacts of their optimization on society and landscape (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, TD03000261), investigator,

    2014—2015 New Methods for Improving Brownfields Regeneration to Optimize Decision-Making Processes (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, TD020259), investigator,

    2011—2014 Tailored Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe (TIMBRE, project 7th Framework Programme of EU, ENV.2010.3.1.5-2), coordination of research activities for work package 3 entitled Success metrics and prioritization tool,

Selected publications (since 2015)

Papers in peer-reviewed journals (ISI/WOS)

  • Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Frazier, R.J., Klusáček, P., van der Horst, D., Škrabal, J., Krejčí, T., Osman, R., Pícha, K., Dvořák, P. (2023): Preference and paradox: Local residents’ perspectives on the reuse of post-agricultural brownfield sites. Sociologia Ruralis, 63(3), 514-543. Doi: 10.1111/soru.12418 (IF 2023 = 3.2)
  • Malý, J. , Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Klusáček, P. (2023): Rebuilding a community ‘centre’ under free-market pressure: the post-socialist experience with local brownfield management. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11(7), 1344-1364. Doi: 10.1080/21622671.2021.1916580 (IF 2022 = 2.6)
  • Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Hewitt, R. J., Frazier, R. J., Klusáček, P., Škrabal, J., Krejčí, T., Osman, R., Pícha, K. (2023): Community Landscape Preferences for Reuse of Soviet-Era Post-Agricultural Brownfields—What's the Difference? Rural Sociology, 88(2): 362-391. Doi: 10.1111/ruso.12479 (IF 2022 = 2.3)
  • Osman, R., Klusáček, P., Malý, J., Alexandrescu, F. M. (2023): Rhythmanalysis and reproduction of space in a brownfield regeneration process: the case of Ústí nad Orlicí, Czech Republic. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 64(6): 705-731. Doi: 10.1080/15387216.2022.2057348 (IF 2022 = 3.8)
  • Klusáček, P., Charvátová, K., Navrátil, J., Krejčí, T., Martinát, S. (2022): Regeneration of Post-Agricultural Brownfield for Social Care Needs in Rural Community: Is There Any Transferable Experience? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1): 240. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph19010240 (IF 2021 = 4.614)
  • Navrátil, J., Krejčí, T., Martinát, S., Frazier, R.J., Klusáček, P., Pícha, K., Škrabal, J., Osman, R. (2021): Variation in brownfield reuse of derelict agricultural premises in diverse rural spaces. Journal of Rural Studies, 87: 124-136. Doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.09.004 (IF 2021 = 5.517)
  • Klusáček, P., Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., Golubchikov, O., Pícha, K., Škrabal, J., Osman, R. (2021): Planning for the future of derelict farm premises: From abandonment to regeneration? Land Use Policy, 102: 105248. Doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105248 (IF 2021 = 6.189)
  • Navrátil, J., Krejčí, T., Martinát, S., Pícha, K., Klusáček, P., Škrabal, J., Osman, R. (2020): Abandonment or Regeneration and Re-Use? Factors Affecting the Usage of Farm Premises in Different Social Spaces of the Rural. Sustainability, 12: 9124. Doi: 10.3390/su12219124 (IF 2019 = 2.576)
  • Klusáček, P., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., Kunc, J., Hercik, J., Havlíček, M., Skokanová, H. (2020): Return of the Local Democracy to the Territory of the Military Training Areas (Case Study the Czech Republic). Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 53(2): 191–213. Doi: 10.1525/cpcs.2020.53.2.191 (IF 2019 = 0.951)
  • Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Klusáček, P., Malý, J. (2020): Taming the genius loci? Contesting post-socialist creative industries in the case of Brno's former prison. Cities, 98, 102578. Doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.102578 (IF 2019 = 4.802)
  • Klusáček, P., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., Bartke, S. (2019): Re-development of a former military training area - The case of Brdy told from a local actors´ perspective. Land Use Policy, 82: 147–157. Doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.11.045 (IF 2019 = 3.682)
  • Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., Pícha, K., Klusáček, P., Škrabal, J., Osman, R. (2019): The fate of socialist agricultural premises: To agricultural ‘brownfields’ and back again? Moravian Geographical Reports, 27(4): 207–216. Doi: 10.2478/mgr-2019-0016 (IF 2019 = 2.479)
  • Klusáček, P., Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Malý, J., Kunc, J., Dvořák, P., Frantál, B., Havlíček, M., Krejčí, T., Martinát, S., Skokanová, H., Trojan, J. (2018): Good governance as a strategic choice in brownfield regeneration: Regional dynamics from the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 73: 29–39. Doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.01.007 (IF 2018 = 3.573)
  • Limasset, E., Pizzol, L., Merly, C., Gatchett, A. M., Le Guern, C., Martinát., S., Klusáček, P., Bartke, S. (2018): Points of Attention in Designing Tools for Regional Brownfield Prioritisation. Science of The Total Environment, 622–623: 997–1008. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.168 (IF 2018 = 5.589)
  • Alexandrescu, F., Klusáček, P., Bartke, S., Osman, R., Frantál, B., Martinát, S., Kunc, J., Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., Bleicher, A. (2017): Actor networks and the construction of applicable knowledge: the case of the Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19(5): 1323–1334. Doi: 10.1007/s10098–016–1331–8 (IF 2017 = 2.337)
  • Bartke, S., Martinát, S., Klusáček, P., Pizzol, L., Alexandrescu, F., Frantál, B., Critto, A., Zabeo, A. (2016): Targeted selection of brownfields from portfolios for sustainable regeneration: User experiences from five cases testing the Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool. Journal of Environmental Management, 184: 94–107. Doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.037 (IF 2016 = 4.010)
  • Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Klusáček, P., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., Frantál, B., Martinát, S., Kunc, J., Osman, R., Bartke, S. (2016): Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool to support effective brownfield regeneration. Journal of Environmental Management, 116: 178–192. Doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.09.030 (IF 2016 = 4.010)
  • Martinát, S., Navrátil, J., Dvořák, P., Van der Horst, D., Klusáček, P., Kunc, J., Frantál, B. (2016): Where AD plants wildly grow: the spatio-temporal diffusion of agricultural biogas production in the Czech Republic. Renewable Energy, 95: 85–97. Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2016.03.077 (IF 2016 = 4.357)
  • Osman, R., Frantál, B., Klusáček, P., Kunc, J., Martinát, S. (2015): Factors affecting brownfield regeneration in post–socialist space: The case of the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 48: 309–316. Doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.06.003 (IF 2015 = 2.768)
  • Frantál, B., Greer–Wootten, B., Klusáček, P., Krejčí, T., Kunc, J., Martinát, S. (2015): Exploring Spatial Patterns of Urban Brownfields Regeneration: The Case of Brno, Czech Republic. Cities, 44: 9–18. Doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2014.12.007 (IF 2015 = 2.051)

Books and chapters in books

  • Radzimski, A., Weinsziehr, T., Bartke, S., Hagemann, N., Klusacek, P., Martinat, S., & Großmann, K. (2017). Teaching Energy Poverty. In K. Großmann, A. Schaffrin, & C. Smigiel (Eds.), Energie und soziale Ungleichheit (pp. 699–721). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-11723-8_26

Memberships, Honorable Positions and other activities

  • Member of the National Geographical Committee
  • Member of the editorial board in the Information of the Czech Geographical Society journal
  • One of the most productive and influential authors in the field of brownfields regeneration according to study Lin, H., et al. (2019): A scientometric analysis and visualization of global research on brownfields. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(17): 17666–17684. Doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-05149-3
  • Peer-reviewer for leading WOS journals, e.g., Land Use Policy, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, and for evaluation within the implementation of the M17+ methodology